Hiking to Landslide Lake via Elk River Trail north of Campbell River, BC. This hike offers countless views of breathtaking waterfalls and incredible mountains in Strathcona Park. This hike is on the longer side for a day hike, making it a great option for an overnight trip.
Landslide Lake via Elk River Trail is in Strathcona Park BC
Landslide Lake via Elk River Trail is a 25 km out-and-back trail near Gold River, British Columbia off Highway 28. The difficulty level is considered as “hard” in All Trails. This is mostly because this hikes length, which can be gruelling for a day hike, but definitely possible.
We hiked to Landslide Lake and back in about 10 hours out and back, with about an hour rest to have lunch at the lake. The water is cold! But you will want to swim on a hot summer day, so bring swim trunks.
Getting There
Traveling to the Trail Head is very simple, especially if you are already on Vancouver Island. See map below. Follow Highway 19 North until you reach Campbell River, and then follow signs for Gold River Highway 28 West. You then follow Highway 28 West for 47km until turning right towards Gold River (still Highway 28 West).
This turn can be missed if you are not paying attention. Just follow the signs for Gold River. Side Note: Continuing straight at the turn off leads to Myra Falls, we will have another post for that trip.
After turning towards Gold River you have another 27km to the Trail Head parking lot. The lot can get very busy in the Summer Months so make sure to leave early. Hiking on weekdays is a good idea to avoid the crowds. The parking lot will be on your left.
Beginning the hike: From the trail head follow the path and signs to Lanslide lake trail. This hike is very easy to navigate and you will find beautiful stunning views on your way so make sure you capture those :).
At Landslike Lake: Once you reach Landslike lake, you can swim, eat, and just enjoy the beauty of it. It’s so worth it!
Campsites are clearly marked and food cache are available. Please make sure to pack out what you pack in and respect nature.
Helpful hint: There is a section about 3/4 through the hike where to cross a small bridge and come out to a large open rocky space. On the way up to Landslide Lake we unfortunately made our lives more difficult with the path we ended up following.
The short of it is: stay to the right (closer to the small river coming down the mountain). Be cautious and follow the rocks and you should easily find your way. We went up a steeper area to the left, with a much more difficult section. Stay to the right and it should be a breeze.
Plan ahead: We did this hike in a day which was certainly doable but quite taxing. If you decide for a day hike, make sure to start early as it will allow you ample time to complete the hike. Check the weather conditions as well, as you do not want to hike a muddy trail.
Bring lots of water and snacks: Carry enough water for the entire hike, as water sources may be limited or unreliable along the trail. Bring energy-rich snacks and a lunch to keep your energy levels up throughout the day.
Hiking Essentials: Wear comfortable shoes that are appropriate for hiking. This is a long hike so wearing comfortable shoes is essential. We also recommend using hiking sticks as these will help save your knees extra strain and provide you balance, especially during steep downhill portions. Bring a backpack to carry all your water and snacks. Don’t forget your swim shorts.
Make sure to explore the rest of our site for adventure with Palm Trees and Maple Leaves. Please don’t forget to follow our Facebook and Instagram. Leave a comment if you have done this hike, we would love to know your experience!
Sunday 1st of October 2023
Going to follow . Just bought a new tent for overnights. I can't do your day hikes in a day !
Sunday 1st of October 2023
Awesome hike